Abhishek Gupta
MILR '12
Buffalo, NY
International Institute of Buffalo
- Contributed to marketing and outreach plan for IIB to asylees and special visa holders from Iraq to resettle and find employment in Buffalo, helping these New Americans become self sufficient without utilizing public services assistance.
- Assisted refugees with their settlement in the U.S. before they arrive by helping with setting up homes, shopping for food, etc.
- Post arrival assistance including refugee intake to explain their rights and responsibilities, scheduling and helping with medical appointments, use of public transportation, etc.
- Helped resettle a refugee family from Burma who speaks some Hindi.
- Attended meetings with NYS DOL in conjunction with United Way to promote better labor and employment plans for the growing immigrant and refugee population in Buffalo.
- Helped with the "job club"; one of the employment programs run by IIB.
- Brain-stormed ideas for a small business grant for refugee population through JOLII program.
"The Fridays were a great way to connect with fellow High Roaders and to receive updates on various aspects of Buffalo, which makes this program very unique and exciting. I very much enjoyed discussions and learning more about access to arts and contemporary artists in Buffalo. The tours to Burchfield Penney and Frank Lloyd Wright’s Darwin Martin House were my absolute favorites."
"Abhi contributed to our programs as a peer. He was able to do projects that volunteers couldn’t do."
Denise Beehag,
International Institute