Michelle Zhao
- Wrote a narrative on the history of the campaign to develop Buffalo’s waterfront. Interviewed a number of organizers, researchers, public officials, community activists and developers about the implementation of the High Road Principles Agreement for Canalside
- Participated in the Buffalo Transit Riders United grassroots advocacy day in Albany to lobby State legislators for increased public transit funding, enhanced routes and rider representation on the transit authority board
- Updated Buffalo Brief publications that provide a snapshot of information about Buffalo demographics with regard to education, poverty, immigration, Housing, and Racial Disparities
"Buffalo is a promising city to live and work in, and there is certainly a strong culture of community activism I have not so readily encountered in other communities I’ve engaged with. The summer has made me more cognizant of grassroots campaigns and the different levels of engagement community involvement can take on. Service-learning with a rigorous educational curriculum as opposed to volunteerism is, by far, more effective and impactful in its ability to call the individual participant to reflect upon their experiences. I understand municipal politics and nonprofit organizations far more now, and would very much like to pursue a public sector career path in the future."
"Michelle met and surpassed all our expectations as a High Road fellow this summer. Not only is she highly adept at research and writing, but her curiosity, personality and sense of humor brought a much-appreciated lightness to the office. It’s three months later, and we’re still talking about Michelle and what a joy she was to work with here at PPG. My only regret is that Michelle didn’t stay longer!"
Sarah Wooton,
Partnership for the Public Good