Nathan Horrell
- Research and writing Fact Sheets for Citizen’s Tool Kit on local economic development initiatives
- Web, database and communications development for PPG
- Publicity and outreach for PPG forum series
- Activities coordinated by Sam Magavern and Lou Jean Fleron, Steering Committee, PPG.
The Partnership for the Public Good uses research, advocacy, and communication to promote better public policy for the Buffalo region. PPG unites a broad range of organizations – from social service providers to arts groups, from environmental advocates to affordable housing providers, from anti-violence coalitions to academic institutions – around a community-based vision of a revitalized Buffalo.
PPG’s premise is that Buffalo does not need to start from scratch or chase silver bullets in seeking revitalization. Rather, we need to patiently cultivate assets such as our highly skilled workforce, many universities, historic architecture, location near the border, waterfront, cultural diversity, locally owned independent businesses, active non-profit community, and rich history. PPG issued the 2009 Community Agenda with ten policy planks endorsed by a diverse array of organizations, including Catholic Charities, Community Action Organization, Buffalo Urban League, WNY Apollo Alliance, and many more.
PPG has crafted a set of “Principles for a Revitalized Buffalo,” and many policy reports, including:
- Achieving a Greater Buffalo
- An Integrated Approach to Fighting Poverty and Blight
- Revitalizing Buffalo: Let’s Take the High Road
- Affordable Housing and the Environment in Buffalo, New York
- Greening Buffalo: What Local Governments Can Do
- Missing the Mark: How Economic Development Programs Have Failed to Revive Buffalo’s Most Challenged Neighborhoods
In addition, PPG has eight policy statements, over 50 fact sheets, and a Citizens’ Tool-Kit providing data, advocacy tools, and other resources to empower the public to influence economic development policy. All are available online at www.ppgbuffalo.org. PPG holds a monthly policy forum on the third Tuesday of the month at Cornell University ILR School.