Zachary Benfanti
- Performed one-on-one case management to help clients hone interview skills and enhance resumes.
- Served as an advocate for clients by actively approaching local employers on behalf of the individuals.
- Organized first annual WNY Business Mingle, where upwards of thirty (30) local businesses and corporations to came to hear how LDA clients could make a tremendous impact if given the right opportunity.
- Utilized and implemented technology developments to enhance communication and information systems.
"I chose the High Road because, as a Buffalo native, I have a vested interest in making a substantial difference to this city. From my perspective, the High Road values human capital and the desire to work toward collective good. I wanted to bring these principles to Buffalo, working with this community of hardworking people to turn the promise of this city into reality.
This summer, I’m interning with the Learning Disabilities Association (LDA). The LDA is giving me the opportunity to leverage my knowledge and experiences, in a way that will hopefully integrate more marginalized people into society. I’m working directly with the learning disabled, helping them to increase their upward mobility; for example, right now I’m trying to help them obtain employment.
As I sit here now evaluating it all, I feel everything I did served a strong and valuable purpose. I told my supervisors on the first day that I wanted to be on the front line and work directly with the individuals they serve, but also to see some of the policy initiatives that exist as the linchpin to the work that is done behind closed doors. Everything that I sought was accommodated in more ways than I could have anticipated, so I am very thankful for that. "