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Ariel Avgar addresses NY State policymakers

ILR Hosts Albany Policymakers to Show Impact of State Funding

Representatives from both the NY State legislative and executive branches gathered on the ILR campus on Thursday morning to officially launch the New York at Work annual report.

“We were very excited to have policymakers from Albany come to Ithaca to engage with us in a conversation around the workplace policies that affect New York state,” said Ariel Avgar, senior associate dean for outreach and sponsored research. “What makes our school unique is that in addition to training and teaching students and engaging in scholarship, we have an eye towards the outside world. Our outreach units, many of which were represented in the day’s presentation, have a long-standing focus on advancing equitable policies and practices that will benefit New York’s workers, unions, and employers.”

After a brief welcome from Avgar, the event included the following presentations:

“None of this work would be possible without New York state funding,” said Avgar.

“Follow-up discussions throughout the day highlighted the enthusiasm for these types of discussions both from our ILR colleagues and New York state policymakers.”