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Lois Gray

The Life and Legacy of Lois Gray: Honoring Labor Innovation

Lois Gray was a pioneer in labor education. She had a vision for raising the collective voice of working people and a keen interest in developing women leaders. In 2012, Lois helped establish The Worker Institute at Cornell ILR. The Worker Institute engages in research and education on contemporary labor issues. Lois saw the institute as a place to generate innovative thinking and solutions to problems related to work, the economy, and society.

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570 Lexington Ave
12th floor
New York, NY 10022
United States


Lois Gray was a pioneer in labor education. She had a vision for raising the collective voice of working people and a keen interest in developing women leaders. In 2012, Lois helped establish The Worker Institute at Cornell ILR. The Worker Institute engages in research and education on contemporary labor issues. Lois saw the institute as a place to generate innovative thinking and solutions to problems related to work, the economy, and society.

Before passing in 2018, Lois created the Lois Gray Fund for Innovation with a personal, million-dollar gift. Lois recognized The Worker Institute's vital role in creating a unique space for labor leaders to learn, explore, examine and experiment.

The Worker Institute is deeply honored and appreciative of Lois' gift and is incredibly thankful for the opportunity she has given us to continue her legacy. Using Lois' gift, we launched the Lois Gray Labor Innovation Initiative in 2020. The Initiative's goal is to bring together labor leaders, union members, scholars, and other allies to advance innovative ideas for protecting and expanding workers' rights.

We host sponsored public events, training workshops, research and outreach in consultation with Lois' family, the Worker Institute Advisory Council, and other key stakeholders and partners.

The Lois Gray Labor Innovation Initiative supported and helped launch Cornell ILR's Climate Jobs Institute, which allows labor leaders to confront the dual crises of inequality and climate change and chart a path to a worker-friendly clean energy economy.

This event will celebrate Lois Gray's life, foster a dynamic dialogue around innovation in the labor movement, recognize and honor individuals and organizations demonstrating innovation, and raise funds to grow Lois' endowment to The Worker Institute.

Sponsorship Levels

Your gift helps build the Labor Innovation Initiative, fostering a space for labor leaders, union members, scholars and activists to develop new strategies to empower working people.

Legacy Builder Sponsor - $10,000

Legacy Builder

Innovation Sponsor - $5,000

Innovation Sponsor

Labor Innovator - $1,000

Labor Innovator

Donate Today

If you, your union, or your organization share Lois' vision for nurturing and encouraging innovative ideas, strategies, and practices to strengthen workers' rights and create a more and equitable world, please consider a gift to the Lois Gray Fund for Innovation.


Guests and Honorees

Alexander Colvin

  • Kenneth F. Kahn '69 Dean
  • Martin F. Scheinman ’75, MS ’76, Professor of Conflict Resolution

Patricia Campos-Medina

  • Executive Director, The Worker Institute

Roberta Reardon

  • New York Department of Labor Commissioner

Lara Skinner

  • Executive Director, Climate Jobs Institute

Jenn Stowe

  • Executive Director, National Domestic Workers Alliance

Jimmy Williams Jr.

  • General President, International Union of Painters and Allied Trades

Christopher Erikson

  • Business Manager, IBEW Local 3 and Chair, IBEW International Executive Council

Allison Julien

  • Founding member, National Domestic Workers Alliance

Alvin Vincent Jr.

  • Executive Director, Actors' Equity Association

Leah Rambo

  • President, Nontraditional Employment for Women