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Leah Rambo

President, Nontraditional Employment for Women

Leah Rambo began her career as a sheet metal apprentice in 1988. In 2011 she was appointed as first woman to serve as Director of Training for SMART Local 28 and continues to work in this capacity. Her high energy and dedication have helped to attract and retain an increasing number of women. Local 28 has increased their percentage of female from 3% in 2011 to 13% in 2019. As Director of Training, Ms. Rambo has been responsible for the training of over 3,000 Local 28’s apprentices and active members.

During her tenure as an instructor, she developed and implemented the “Respect for Workforce Diversity training.” This training was designed to teach apprentices how to identify and prevent various types of discrimination and bias in the workplace. Over the years the training has been expanded to include instructors, Union officials and Stewards. Leah currently serves on New York City Department of Education’s Career and Technical Education Advisory Council and Gender Equity Committee. She is also a member of NYC Coalition for Women in Construction and SMART International’s Women’s Committee. Ms. Rambo holds a BA in Labor Education, a Diversity and Inclusion certificate from Cornell University and several trade certifications.