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Housed in Cornell University’s School of Industrial and Labor Relations, the K. Lisa Yang and Hock E. Tan Institute on Employment and Disability conducts research and provides continuing education and technical assistance on many aspects of disability in the workplace.

Building on work that began in the 1960s, researchers and practitioners at the Yang-Tan Institute (YTI) have helped companies, labor organizations, government agencies, schools, and communities throughout the United States and abroad to accommodate and integrate individuals with disabilities. Our team consults with business and industry, and with policy makers, educators, disability advocates, and rehabilitation practitioners.

YTI contributes to developing inclusive workplace systems and communities in a variety of ways. Our team engages in research and produces scholarly articles, develops training materials, conducts training sessions domestically and internationally, and offers technical assistance on a wide array of disability-related matters. Our expertise embraces legal mandates and operational issues, providing an all-encompassing perspective that enables us to help transform public policy into practice.

"We help make possible the full participation of people with disabilities in the workplace, the community, and society”
Susanne Bruyère, Academic Director
Susanne Bruyére