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Labor Action Tracker 2024 Report

Better pay, improved health and safety, and increased staffing were workers’ top demands in 2024, according to findings published in the annual report tracking U.S. work stoppages. The report is a collaboration of the ILR School and the University of Illinois School of Labor and Employment Relations.



A screen shot of the Labor Action Tracker findings in 2024
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ILR School Events

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Labor Economics Workshop: Nuria Rodriguez-Planas

Nuria Rodriguez-Planas The effect of school peers on intimate partner violence: Evidence from peers’ genetic predisposition to alcohol consumption Using quasi-random variation in peer composition across grades within schools and genetic measures from the Add Health study, we analyze how high school peers’ genetic predisposition to alcohol consumption impacts women’s risk of intimate partner violence (IPV) victimization in early adulthood. We find that a one standard deviation increase in peers’ average genetic predisposition to alcohol consumption raises females’ probability of being victimized by their partner by 4.5 percentage points, about three-fifths of the size (in absolute value) of the effect induced by a one standard deviation increase in parental socio-economic status. This effect operates primarily through social network formation. While exposure to peers with a high genetic predisposition to alcohol use does not influence the victims’ own drinking or risk-taking behaviors, it increases their likelihood of forming friendships with other females who binge drink. Notably, the influence of high school peer exposure on victimization diminishes by later adulthood. These findings illuminate how peer environments in adolescence can shape vulnerability to IPV through social network formation, though the effects appear time-limited.

Localist event image for Labor Economics Workshop:  Nuria Rodriguez-Planas
Labor Economics Workshop: Nuria Rodriguez-Planas

Kheel Center Research Symposium

Join us as the 2023 Kheel Center Travel Grant winners present their research findings. The Richard Strassberg Travel Grant supports scholars conducting archival research at the Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives in Catherwood Library. Catherwood, located in the ILR School, is part of Cornell University Library. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from the recipients and explore their work! Program information will be sent upon registration. Speakers: Hillary Dann, producer/researcher for historical documentaries: "The Investigation of NYC Public School Teachers in the 1940s and 50s." and Hella Winston, sociologist and investigative reporterBryant Etheridge: A Program of Social Reform: The National War Labor Board, Wartime Wage Policy, and the Origins of the Great Compression, 1942-1945Daniel Goldstein: "Luigi Antonini and the Italian anti-Fascist exiles: a symbiotic relationship?"Hunter Moskowitz, Phd Candidate at Northeastern University: “Practical Men: “White Patriarchal Skill in the Global Textile Industry.”

Localist event image for Kheel Center Research Symposium
Kheel Center Research Symposium

Labor Economics Workshop: Joseph Mullins

Joseph Mullins Designing cash transfers in the presence of children's human capital formation This paper finds that accounting for the human capital development of children has a quantitatively large effect on the true costs and benefits of providing cash assistance to single mothers in the United States. A dynamic model of work, welfare participation, and parental investment in children introduces a formal apparatus for calculating costs and benefits when individuals respond to incentives. The model provides a tractable outcome equation in which a policy’s effect on child skills can be understood through its impact on two economic resources in the household – time and money – and the share of each resource as factors in the production of skills. These key causal parameters are cleanly identified by policy variation through the 1990s. The model also admits simple and interpretable formulae for optimal nonlinear transfers in the style of Mirrlees (1971), with novel features arising when child skill formation is accounted for. Using a broadly conservative empirical strategy, estimates imply that optimal transfers are about 20% more generous than the US benchmark, and shaped very differently. In contrast to current policies, the optimal policy discourages labor supply at the bottom of the income distribution due to the costly estimated impacts of work on child development. The finding underscores the importance of reconciling results in the literature on the developmental effects of maternal employment. Finally, a counterfactual model exercise suggests that changes to the welfare and tax environment after 1996 had negative average effects both on maternal welfare and child skill outcomes, with a significant degree of redistribution across latent dimensions.

Localist event image for Labor Economics Workshop: Joseph Mullins
Labor Economics Workshop: Joseph Mullins

Yang-Tan Institute: Enhancing equal opportunities for all people with disabilities

The Yang-Tan Institute on Employment and Disability contributes to the development of organizations and communities that welcome the skills and talents of people with disabilities in New York state, the U.S. and abroad. 

YTI informs public policy in many ways, including providing public access to disability data in specific geographic areas.

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“My time at the ILR School helped me understand both labor and management perspectives, which has proven to be a solid foundation for my career.”
Rob Manfred, Commissioner of Major League Baseball

Get To Know: Santiago Anria

Faculty Spotlight

Santiago Anria came to the ILR School’s Department of Global Labor and Work in the fall of 2023. His research focuses on social movements and parties in Latin America.

Santiago Anria
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Catherwood Library

The Martin P. Catherwood Library is the most comprehensive resource on labor and employment in North America, offering expert research support through reference services, instruction, online guides and access to premier collections.

Studying in the window bay at the Catherwood Library
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ILR in the News

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Solar Solutions: Workers Face Challenges in Renewable Energy Sector

Cornell Chronicle
Researchers at the ILR School’s Climate Jobs Institute (CJI) are helping to ensure the solar workforce is treated as fairly and equitably as employees in other industries.
Workers carrying a solar panel
Solar Solutions: Workers Face Challenges in Renewable Energy Sector

Kricky Ksiazek Honored for Community-Engaged Innovation

Cornell Chronicle
Kricky Ksiazek, Civic Researcher and High Road Fellowship Coordinator at the ILR Buffalo Co-Lab, is one of 13 faculty members from across Cornell being honored by the Einhorn Center for Community Engagement with this year’s Community-Engaged Practice and Innovation Awards.
Kricky Ksiazek
Kricky Ksiazek Honored for Community-Engaged Innovation

Puritan Work Ethic, Capitalism to be Discussed in Konvitz Lecture

Elizabeth Anderson, who specializes in moral, social and political philosophy, feminist theory, social epistemology and the philosophy of economics and the social sciences, will deliver this year’s Konvitz Lecture on March 27 at 4:30 p.m.
Hand manipulating a marionette
Puritan Work Ethic, Capitalism to be Discussed in Konvitz Lecture

Matteson and Colleagues Use AI to Better Understand Nanoparticles

Cornell Chronicle
A team of scientists led by Professor David S. Matteson has developed a method to illuminate the dynamic behavior of nanoparticles, which are foundational components in the creation of pharmaceuticals, electronics, and industrial and energy-conversion materials.
An abstract of network particles.
Matteson and Colleagues Use AI to Better Understand Nanoparticles

Campus Life

A view of student life at Cornell University's ILR School in Ithaca, NY.


#CornellGivingDay is just two days away! 🎉 I'm Macey Bone, Class of 2026, and as a first-generation student, ILR has transformed my life, offering global opportunities, powerful connections and career development—all thanks to supporters like you. On March 13, you can DOUBLE your impact with …

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If you had to describe ILR in three emojis, what would they be? #CornellILR #ILRSchool

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#Throwback: This photo, circa 1971, shows Alice H. Cook (1903-1998), professor emerita of industrial and labor relations at the ILR School and Cornell University's first ombudsman, on the phone. In 1952, Alice Cook was recruited by ILR Extension to direct a foundation-funded project, "Integrating…

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ILRies are studying hard! What's your favorite study spot on campus? 📚#CornellILR #ILRSchool

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In our latest faculty Q&A, learn more about Santiago Anria, assistant professor in the Department of Global Labor and Work at the ILR School! Anria studies the relationships between social movements, labor unions and political parties in Latin America. ❓ How did you become interested in your…

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Those moments when campus is a winter wonderland ❄️ #CornellILR #ILRSchool

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