Art and Advocacy
A few days ago, a friend shared a news story about an amazing artist, Sophia Dawson, who’s art focuses on people who are fighting against injustice. Dawson’s art really stood out to me because not only is it visually beautiful, but there is also so much meaning behind her work. Sophia Dawson’s artwork is powerful and thought provoking.
Above is Dawson’s mural, “Every Mother’s Son”:
This mural was painted in 2014 and depicts the mothers of sons who have been murdered by police officers. The mural includes Iris Baez (the mother of Anthony Baez), Lesley McSpadden (the mother of Mike Brown), Gwen Carr (the mother of Eric Garner), Margarita Rosario (the mother of Anthony Rosario), Constance Malcolm (the mother of Ramarley Graham), Mamie Till (the mother of Emmett Till), and Kadiatou Diallo (the mother of Amadou Diallo). Through the depiction of these seven mothers, Dawson shows how every victim of police violence was someone’s child, a part of a family, a community. Someone who was loved.
Dawson’s work is advocacy expressed through art. She stated that her art is “an act of advocacy. It’s a form of prayer for me.” Dawson's artwork includes paintings of the Central Park 5, Women of the Young Lords, members of the Black Panther and Black Liberation Movement, as well as many more. Her work centers on the narrative of the individuals who she paints.
“Every Mother’s Son,” reflects the High Road principles of the importance of calling attention to injustice and inequality and fighting against it. This mural, as well as all of Dawson’s art, tells the story of those who have faced oppression and injustice.
Here is the link to Sophia Dawson’s art gallery on her website: http://www.sophia-dawson.com/gallery.html (All of her work is incredible!!!)
Here’s a video on the “Every Mother’s Son Mural”: https://youtu.be/nPQGms9SdwQ
This is the news story I referenced: https://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2020/06/10/artists-and-performers-curate-thought-provoking-pieces-on-police-brutality