The problem
Is my response to the question
The question:
Why do politics matter?
My response:
I have absolutely no idea.
So that is the problem
And equally the point.
You would think
That if politics were so important
They would then be more accessible
Politics would be taught
In your average school
Elementary. Middle. High
Private. Charter. Public.
Maybe I got duped.
No politics in my school.
Or we all got duped.
No politics in any school.
“That's too political”
“Stay neutral”
“We don't discuss that in the classroom”
So politics must not be
Very important at all.
Politics matters because it seems like they don't. Because people go as far to think that they don’t. They matter because our society, for so long, has relied on the blissful ignorance of the systems of our government. The systems of our nation. Politics matter because you have to play the game, truly understand it, before you can manipulate it to your advantage. Politics matter because people need systems and regulations. Politics matter because many of those systems and regulations are unjust. Politics matter because that in which is unjustified, needs to be transformed.