Q&A with Gali Racabi
Gali Racabi joins the faculty of the Labor Relations, Law, & History Department after receiving his doctorate from Harvard Law School, where he served as a fellow with the Harvard Labor & Worklife Program. He is a 2014 graduate of Haifa University, earning both a bachelor’s degree and an LL.B.
What is your research about?
I’m studying employment and labor law. My latest project was about how Uber drivers attempted to organize collectively across the U.S. and how labor law effected it. I’m currently working on two main subjects: one is about anti-discrimination law and the other about student-workers unions.
How did you become interested in your field?
Before going to academia, I was a labor organizer and an employment law lawyer. I thought then, and still think today, that workplace struggles are super important and extremely interesting.
What impact do you hope your research will have?
Broadly, I hope my research will help shape the legal thinking, goals and strategies of labor movements.
What attracted you to the ILR School?
The ILR School is the best place to study the workplace. There is no competition here. Plus, my first work-law professor, Moti Mironi is an ILR graduate.
What are you most excited for about your time at ILR?
I’m really excited about teaching! I’m currently compiling two courses related to work and law, and I look forward to engaging with ILR students. If you are interested in law and its effects on the workplace, let’s talk!
Cornell’s “Any Person, Any Study” ethos – how will you be part of that?
In my narrow area of expertise of law and work, I hope to serve as an address for anyone on campus interested in studying how laws affect our working lives.
Besides your work, what’s something that you’re passionate about?
I’m really passionate about unions, law, my family and good food.
What’s something people are surprised to learn about you?
I make the world’s best orange Kubbe soup!