ILR Announces 2023 McPherson Honors and Awards
ILR held its 30th McPherson Honors and Awards Celebration, a spring tradition honoring students and faculty, at the Statler Hotel on campus Tuesday.
Opening remarks were made by ILR Dean Alexander Colvin, Ph.D. '99, the Kenneth F. Kahn '69 Dean and the Martin F. Scheinman '75, MS '76, Professor of Conflict Resolution. The names of award recipients were presented by Kevin F. Harris, Frank B. Miller Director of Student Services. George R. Boyer, the Martin P. Catherwood Professor of Industrial and Labor Relations and professor in the Departments of Economics and International and Comparative Labor, presented the teaching awards.
The MacIntyre Award for Exemplary Teaching & Advising was presented to Sarah Besky, associate professor of International and Comparative Labor & Labor Relations, Law, and History, and Evan Riehl, assistant professor of Economics.
The Robert N. Stern Award for Teaching & Mentoring was given to Gali Racabi, assistant professor of Labor Relations, Law and History.
Awards and winners announced Tuesday include:
James E. McPherson Scholarship
Tara Gideon
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence
Yasmin Ballew
Anne Bugayong
Merrill Presidential Scholars
Yasmin Ballew
Anne Bugayong
Libby Willkomm
David B. Lipsky Award for Conflict Resolution, Impact and Excellence
Yasmin Ballew
Brendan Klein
Patrick J. Mehler
Eric Lawrence Ehrenberg Memorial Prize
Jassa Chang-Weinberg
Virginia Freeman Memorial Prize
Anne Bugayong
Daniel J. Alpern Award
Alexandra Michael
James Campbell Award
Libby Willkomm
Irving M. Ives Senior Award / Felix Kaufman-Sophie Seidenberg Memorial Award
Yasmin Ballew
John O’Donnell Prize in Labor Law
Erin Fennessy
Ananthi Jayasundera
Steven Spencer Memorial Award
Anne Bugayong
James A. Gross Award
Margot Treadwell
Candidates for graduation with honors
Richmond Addae
Chase Agheli
Salima Ali
Yasmin Ballew
Emmah Bashir
Kyle Beck
August Biben
Anne Bugayong
Katrina Hanauer Cassell
Elijah Emery
Ariella Hajibay-Piranesi
Ananthi Jayasundera
Madison Kang
Leio Koga
Kaila Lingo
Maya Mau
Patrick J. Mehler
Kaitlyn Molito
Pearl Ngai
Edgar O’Connell
Mark Pon
Malcolm Shure
Scott Siegel
Ann Stetz
Carson Taylor
Bella Vandenberg
Alexandra Van de Kieft
Hanna Xue
Lesly Gissell Zhicay
ILR Global Scholars
Gaëlle Alcindor
David Bromberg
Anne Bugayong
Cianna Huang
Leio Koga
Lucas Leston
Patrick J. Mehler
Samantha Na
Niamh O’Connor
Shivani Singh
Hanni Wiegand
Raquel Zohar
General Mills Award for Exemplary Teaching
Brian Lucas
General Mills Award for Exemplary Graduate Teaching Assistant
Nelson Wong
Martha L. Smith Awards for Staff Advising & Mentoring
Anu Lyons
Kay Lewis
Lou Jean Fleron Award for Engaged Learning
Donna Ramil