Martin Timothy Wells
Social Statistics

129 Garden Ave
1190 Comstock Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
United States
Areas of Expertise
Health Care Industry
Other expertise
Bayesian Statistics, Combinatorics, Decision Theory, Empirical Finance, Empirical Legal Studies, Function Estimation, Model Selection, Sampling Theory, Survival Analysis
Journal Articles
- Haim Y Bar, James Booth, & Martin Wells. (2014). A Bivariate Model for Simultaneous Testing in Bioinformatics Data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109(506), 537-547. (DOI:10.1080/01621459.2014.884502)
- Dominique Fourdrinier, & Martin Wells. (2012). Improved Loss Estimation for Shrinkage Estimators. Statistical Science, 27, 61-81.
- Xin Zhou, & Martin Wells. (2012). Reference Priors for Linear Models with General Covariance Structures. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 142, 2473-2484.
- S M Wernimont, Andrew Clark, Patrick J Stover, Martin Wells, A A Litonjua, S T Weiss, J M Gaziano, P. S. Vokonas, K L Tucker, & Patricia Ann Cassano. (2012). Folate network genetic variation predicts cardiovascular disease risk in non-hispanic white males. Journal of Nutrition, 142(7), 1272-1279. (DOI:10.3945/jn.111.157180)(PubMed Central:PMC3374665)
- L Yu, H Li, & Martin Wells. (2011). Return Dynamics with Lévy Jumps: Evidence from Stock and Option Prices. Mathematical Finance.
- B S Warren, Joseph J. Wakshlag, M Maley, Tracy Farrell, A M Struble, M R Panasevich, & Martin Wells. (2011). Use of pedometers to measure the relationship of dog walking to body condition score in obese and non-obese dogs. British Journal of Nutrition, 106, S85-S89. (DOI:10.1017/S0007114511001814)
- S M Wernimont, A G Clark, Patrick J Stover, Martin Wells, A A Litonjua, S T Weiss, J M Gaziano, K L Tucker, J Schwartz, V Bolati, & Patricia Ann Cassano. (2011). Folate Network Genetic Variation, Plasma Homocysteine, and Global Genomic Methylation Content. BMC Medical Genetics, 12(1), 150. (DOI:10.1186/1471-2350-12-150)
- Martin Wells. (2010). A Bayesian Hierarchical Regression Approach to Clustered and Longitudinal Data. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 7, 634-663.
- Martin Wells, & T Eisenberg. (2010). Failure to differentiate between men and women in primary prevention. Annals of internal medicine,
- Haim Bar, James Booth, Elizabeth Schifano, & Martin Wells. (2010). Laplace approximated EM microarray analysis: an empirical Bayes approach for comparative microarray experiments. Statistical Science, 25(3), 388-407. (DOI:10.1214/10-STS339)
- Martin Wells, & T Eisenberg. (2010). Letter regarding article, "Statins for the primary prevention of cardiovascular events in women with elevated high-sensitivity C-reactive protein or dyslipidemia: results from the Justification for the Use of Statins in Prevention: An Intervention Trial Evaluating Rosuvastatin (JUPITER) and meta-analysis of women from primary prevention trials". Circulation, 122, 23.
- E D Schifano, Robert Lee Strawderman, & Martin Wells. (2010). MM algorithms for minimizing nonsmoothly penalized objective functions. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 4, 1258-1299. (DOI:10.1214/10-EJS582)
- B Warren, M Maley, L Sugarwala, Martin Wells, & Carol Devine. (2010). Small Steps Are Easier Together: An Ecological Goal-Based Intervention To Increase Walking By Women In Rural Worksites. Preventive Medicine, 5, 230-234.
- Martin Wells, & T Eisenberg. (2010). Statins and risk of incident diabetes. Lancet, 375, 2140-2141.
- T Eisenberg, M Heise, N Waters, & Martin Wells. (2010). The Decision to Award Punitive Damages: An Empirical Study. Journal of Legal Analysis, 2, 577-619.
- James Booth, Walter T Federer, Martin Wells, & Russell Wolfinger. (2009). A multivariate variance components model for analysis of covariance in designed experiments. Statistical Science, 24(2), 223-237. (DOI:10.1214/09-STS294)
- Martin Wells. (2009). The Exact Distribution of the Condition Number of a Gaussian Matrix. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 31, 1125-1130.
- R. Y. Ivanek, T. Grohn, Martin Wells, S. Raengpradub, M. J. Kazmierczak, & Martin Wiedmann. (2008). Extreme value theory in analysis of differential expression in microarrays where either only up- or down-regulated genes are relevant or expected. Genetics Research, 90, 347-361.
- M Zhang, Robert Lee Strawderman, M Cowen, & Martin Wells. (2006). Profiling pharmacy expenditures in managed health care: Bayesian inference for a two-part hierarchical model. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 101, 934-945.
- Stephan A Jesch, Peng Liu, Xin Zhao, Martin Wells, & Susan A. Henry. (2006). Multiple endoplasmic reticulum-to-nucleus signaling pathways coordinate phospholipid metabolism with gene expression by distinct mechanisms. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 281(33), 24070-24083.
- S A Jesch, X Zhao, Martin Wells, & Susan A. Henry. (2005). Genome Wide Analysis Reveals Inositol, Not Choline, as the Major Effector of Ino2p-Ino4p and Unfolded Protein Response Target Gene Expression in Yeast. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280(10), 9106-9118. (PubMed Central:PMC1352320)
- R Ivanek, Y T Gröhn, Martin Wiedmann, & Martin Wells. (2004). Mathematical model of Listeria monocytogenes cross-contamination in a fish processing plant. Journal of Food Protection, 67, 2688-2697.
- Martin Wells, & Weijing Wang. (2000). Model Selection and Semiparametric Inference for Bivariate Failure-Time Data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 95(449), 62-72.
- Martin Wells, & Theodore Eisenberg. (2000). Inbreeding in Law School Hiring: Assessing the Performance of Faculty Hired from within. Journal of Legal Studies, 29(1), 369-388.
- Martin Wells, Dominique Cellier, & Dominique Fourdrinier. (1999). Bayesian Estimation for Spherically Symmetric Distributions. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 70(1), 95-117.
- Martin Wells, Morris L Eaton, David A Freedman, Stephen P Klein, Richard A Olshen, Kenneth W Wachter, & Donald Ylvisaker. (1999). Statistical Controversies in Census 2000. Jurimetrics, 39(4), 347-375.
- Martin Wells, & Theodore Eisenberg. (1999). The Predictability of Punitive Damages Awards in Published Opinions, the Impact of BMW v. Gore on Punitive Damages Awards, and Forecasting Which Punitive Awards Will be Reduced. Supreme Court Economic Review, 7, 59-86.
- Robert Lee Strawderman, & Martin Wells. (1998). Approximately exact inference for the common odds ratio in several 2 x 2 tables (with discussion and rejoinder). Journal of the American Statistical Association, 93, 1294-1306.
- Martin Wells, Theodore Eisenberg, & Stephen P Garvey. (1998). But Was He Sorry? The Role of Remorse in Capital Sentencing. Cornell Law Review, 83(6), 1599-1637.
- Martin Wells, Theodore Eisenberg, & Stefan Sundgren. (1998). Larger Board Size and Decreasing Firm Value in Small Firms. Journal of Financial Economics, 48(1), 35-54.
- Martin Wells, & T Eisenberg. (1998). Punitive Awards After BMW, a New Capping System, and the Reported Opinion Bias. Wisconsin Law Review, 1, 387-426.
- Martin Wells, & Weijing Wang. (1998). Nonparametric Estimation Of Successive Duration Times Under Dependent Censoring. Biometrika, 85(3), 561-572.
- Martin Wells, & Theodore Eisenberg. (1998). Ranking and Explaining the Scholarly Impact of Law Schools. Journal of Legal Studies, 27(2), 373-413.
- Martin Wells, Dominique Fourdrinier, & William E Strawderman. (1998). On the Construction of Bayes Minimax Estimators. Annals of Statistics, 26(2), 660-671.
- Martin Wells, & Weijing Wang. (1997). Nonparametric Estimator of the Bivariate Survival Function Under Simplified Censoring Conditions. Biometrika, 84(4), 863-880.
- Robert Lee Strawderman, & Martin Wells. (1997). Accurate bootstrap confidence limits for the cumulative hazard and survivor functions. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 92, 1356-1375.
- Robert Lee Strawderman, M Parzen, & Martin Wells. (1997). Accurate confidence limits for quantiles under random censoring. Biometrics, 53, 1399-1415.
- Martin Wells, Theodore Eisenberg, John Goerdt, Brian Ostrom, & David Rottman. (1997). The Predictability of Punitive Damages. Journal of Legal Studies, 26(2), 623-661.
- Martin Wells, T Eisenberg, & S Garvey. (1996). Jury Responsibility In Capital Sentencing: An Empirical Study. Buffalo Law Review, 44, 339-380.
- Robert Lee Strawderman, G Casella, & Martin Wells. (1996). Practical small sample asymptotics for regression problems. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 91, 643-655.
- Martin Wells, A Erez, & M Bloom. (1996). Using Random Rather than Fixed Effects Models in Meta-Analysis: Implications for Situational Specificity and Validity Generalization. Personnel Psychology, 49, 275-306.
Book Chapters
- Robert Lee Strawderman, & Martin Wells. (2012). On hierarchical prior specifications and penalized likelihood. In Contemporary Developments in Bayesian Analysis and Statistical Decision Theory: A Festschrift for William E. Strawderman. (pp. 154-180). Institute of Mathematical Statistics.
- B S Warren, J J Wakshlag, M Maley, Tracy Farrell, Martin Wells, A M Struble, & Carol M Devine. (2011). Method Development and Preliminary Examination of Dog Walking as a Form of Human and Canine Physical Activity. In The Health Benefits of Dog Walking for Pets and People: Evidence and Case Studies. Purdue Univ. Press.
- Y Joo, G Casella, & Martin Wells. (2010). Model selection error rates in nonparametric and parametric model comparisons. In Borrowing Strength: Theory Powering Applications – A Festschrift for Lawrence D. Brown. (pp. 166-183). IMS Collections.
- Martin Wells. (2010). Optimality results for mid p–values. In In Borrowing Strength: Theory Powering Applications – A Festschrift for Lawrence D. Brown. (pp. 184-198). IMS Collections .
- Martin Wells, & A Sen Gupta. (2010). Advances in Directional and Linear Statistics. Springer.
Conference Proceedings
- Anusuya Rangarajan, & Martin Wells. (2007). Organic Agriculture Grows at Cornell.
- R Ivanek, Y T Gröhn, Martin Wells, Martin Wiedmann, & M J Kazmierczak. (2006). Background correction and normalization for cDNA microarray data.
Magazine Publications
- Anusuya Rangarajan, & Martin Wells. (2007). Organic Agriculture Grows at Cornell.
Technical Report
- M Zhang, Robert Lee Strawderman, M Cowen, & Martin Wells. (2002). Profiling pharmacy expenditures in managed health care: Bayesian inference for a two-part hierarchical model.
- Steven J. Schwager, C M Crawford, C Castillo-Chavez, & Martin Wells. (1990). The Effect of Telephone Follow-up Calls on Sensitive Survey Non-respondents.
Professional activities
- Choice of Regression Models. Presented to Society for Empirical Legal Studies. Yale University. 2010.
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