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LADP Ends, But Participants’ Journeys ‘Just Beginning’

January marked the end of Cornell ILR’s Scheinman Institute’s Labor Arbitration Development Program (LADP), a 15-month-long hybrid program enabling a new, diverse generation of arbitrators to learn from America’s leading neutrals.
LADP Cohort group picture
LADP Ends, But Participants’ Journeys ‘Just Beginning’

Students Excited About Learning Labor Relations and Labor Law in Vietnam

Since 2015, the Scheinman Institute and the ILR International Programs Office has offered a Vietnam Engaged Learning program in Ho Chi Minh City,
Students Excited About Learning Labor Relations and Labor Law in Vietnam

Register Now for New Arbitration Advocacy Certificate

The Scheinman Institute offers a new Arbitration Advocacy Certificate
New course
Register Now for New Arbitration Advocacy Certificate

AFT Intern Spotlight: Rachel Marcus

Rachel Marcus reflects on her experience as an intern with the American Federation of Teachers (AFT).
R Marcus
AFT Intern Spotlight: Rachel Marcus

AFT/UFT Internship Program Provides Students Real World Collective Bargaining Experience

The Scheinman Institute offers students unique summer internships with the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) in Washington, D.C., and the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) in New York City.
AFT Interns
AFT/UFT Internship Program Provides Students Real World Collective Bargaining Experience

AFT/UFT Interns Gain Valuable Experience

Summer Interns get hands on experience at the AFT and UFT.
Kathryn Richie
AFT/UFT Interns Gain Valuable Experience

Labor Arbitrator Development Students Continue Unique Program

Students in the Labor Arbitrator Development Program met in-person in Washington, DC, where the three days of learning focused on public sector (federal, state, and local) labor arbitration and an introduction to workplace mediation.
DC Reception LADP
Labor Arbitrator Development Students Continue Unique Program

Learning About Labor Relations in Cambodia

Alyssa Brundage '24 shares her experience taking in a winter class in Cambodia.
Cornell students with Dr. Siphana SOK in Cambodia
Learning About Labor Relations in Cambodia

Labor Arbitrator Development Students Begin Unique Program

The third cohort of the Institute's Labor Arbitrator Development Program begins classes.
LADP sutdents
Labor Arbitrator Development Students Begin Unique Program

AFT/ Cornell - Scheinman Institute Collective Bargaining Certificate

The AFT/Cornell - Scheinman Institute Collective Bargaining Certificate Program has trained over 400 participants.
Randi Weingarten, President of the AFT
AFT/ Cornell - Scheinman Institute Collective Bargaining Certificate

Campus Mediation Class Exposes Students To Restorative Justice

Naomi Samuel discusses what she learned in the Scheinman Institute's Campus Mediation Program.
Screen capture of video by Naomi Samuel
Campus Mediation Class Exposes Students To Restorative Justice

My Vietnam Experience

An ILR student reflects on their experience in the Vietnam Engaged Learning Program.
A woman standing and smiling.
My Vietnam Experience

Environmental Mediation Class Introduces Students to ADR

Andrew Epps '23, a Masters student studying Regional Planning '23, experienced mediation and negotiation for the first time in the ILR school's seven-week class on environmental mediation and negotiation. Hear him talk about how his unique background shaped his experience in the class.
Student Andrew Epps.
Environmental Mediation Class Introduces Students to ADR

What I Learned In Vietnam

Grace Kwon '24 discusses what it was like participating in the Scheinman Institute's partnership with Ton Duc Thang University in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
What I Learned In Vietnam

Sign Up To Join the Labor and Employment ADR HUB

The Scheinman ADR HUB, under the direction of co-directors Ellen Gallin Procida and Katrina Nobles, is a destination for arbitrators, mediators, other neutrals, advocates, practitioners, other professionals and students to discuss current issues impacting the field of dispute resolution.
Business people sitting at a table
Sign Up To Join the Labor and Employment ADR HUB

Hopi & Navajo Mediation Engaged Learning Program Provides Unique Opportunities

Kevin Diaz '24 learned about Hopi mediation and Navajo peacemaking through the Hopi & Navajo Engaged Learning Program.
Kevin Diaz speaking about his experience in the Hopi and Navajo Nations Program.
Hopi & Navajo Mediation Engaged Learning Program Provides Unique Opportunities

Campus Mediation Program Provides 'Unique Opportunity'

Anika Bajpai ‘22 learned how to help her fellow students by learning alternative dispute resolution skills through the Scheinman Institute's Campus Mediation Program.
Anika Bajpai
Campus Mediation Program Provides 'Unique Opportunity'

Summer Interns Help With DEI Certificate Workshops

Judy Young shares her experience with student interns this summer.
 Judy Young, Director, Diversity and Inclusion Public Programs
Summer Interns Help With DEI Certificate Workshops

Scheinman Program Explores Native American Conflict Resolution

The Scheinman Institute has developed an innovative program exploring dispute resolution among Navajo and Hopi tribes.
Woman holds a sign reading "Honor Our Voice"
Scheinman Program Explores Native American Conflict Resolution

Vietnam Program Goes Virtual

The Scheinman Institute's Vietnam Program was conducted virtually this year.
Vietnamese Person With Vegetables
Vietnam Program Goes Virtual

ILR/Scheinman Institute Offers Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Conflict Resolution

The ILR School/Scheinman Institute is pleased to announce a one-year postdoctoral fellowship for the 2021-22 academic year.
Woman with binder
ILR/Scheinman Institute Offers Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Conflict Resolution

ILR Students Learn Dispute Resolution Used by Hopi and Navajo Nations

A new course explores indigenous Native American dispute resolution processes.
Navajo family
ILR Students Learn Dispute Resolution Used by Hopi and Navajo Nations

Dietetic Interns Seek Success Through Conflict Management

Director of Conflict Programs, Katrina Nobles, discusses why there has been an increase in the popularity of the dietetic intern conflict resolution workshop, and why that trend is likely to continue.
Dietetic Interns Seek Success Through Conflict Management

Campus Mediation Practicum Revamped Virtually

Campus Mediation Practicum goes online revamping both courses and student mediations.
campus mediation
Campus Mediation Practicum Revamped Virtually

Diversity and Inclusion Workshops in High Demand

To meet the needs of of a changing societal and workplace landscape, the Institute's diversity and inclusion workshops are extremely popular.
abstract depiction of data
Diversity and Inclusion Workshops in High Demand

Scheinman Institute Goes Virtual to Meet Student Needs

Scheinman's move to virtual instruction supports public safety and social distancing while developing flexible and interactive long distance learning to meet the needs of students world wide.
A young student participates in a class remotely
Scheinman Institute Goes Virtual to Meet Student Needs