About the Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution
Watch how the Scheinman Institute addresses the critical workplace conflict resolution challenges of our time through its research, teaching, training and outreach.
Director Updates
Harry C. Katz is the Jack Sheinkman Professor and the Director of the Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution.
Developing the Next Generation of Arbitrators
The Scheinman Institute has spearheaded three initiatives to develop an inclusive next generation of arbitrators. The Institute has partnered with the National Academy of Arbitrators in a major research study to ascertain, among other issues, the demographic profile of its members. In April of 2023, the Institute held a conference in New York City to identify steps to increase the inclusiveness of the arbitration profession. The Institute has developed a third cohort of its Labor Arbitrator Development Program.
Here is more information about these initiatives.
Resolving the Dispute
The Scheinman Institute Advisory Board has many notable arbitrators and mediators, who are leaders in the field. The “Resolving The Dispute” video series features members of the Board highlighting some of their most interesting cases, the issues involved, and the approach they used to come to an equitable solution.
Professional Education
We bring together the insight of leading scholars, researchers, and practitioners to design training courses for the modern workplace. We specialize in work – from HR practices to labor relations and conflict-resolution strategies. We train people who change their organizations.
Student Activities
The issues surrounding conflict in the workplace are the center of our public discourse and public policy.
It takes a certain set of skills and expertise to navigate this changing landscape.
"With my wife, Laurie, we endowed the Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution to provide students, professionals and others interested in dispute resolution with the tools they need to help create a better society. Today, Scheinman Institute faculty and alumni stand at the forefront in resolving the most complicated and significant work-related issues."
-Marty Scheinman, Founder Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution