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Johanna Puno Hester

Deputy Executive Director, United Domestic Workers of America

Johanna Puno Hester is the Deputy Executive Director of the United Domestic Workers of America/AFSCME, Local 3930, which represents more than 180,000 home care and family child care providers in 39 counties in California.  
She is an elected AFSCME International Vice President, Vice-President for the California Labor Federation and Housing Commissioner for the City of San Diego Housing Commission.  
Today, Johanna also serves as the Vice Chair of Child Care Providers United, a statewide union of family childcare providers who have won historic collective bargaining rights and, in the midst of the pandemic in 2020, won healthcare and a retirement fund for the 40,000 providers across California. The fighting spirit of providers, most of whom are immigrants and women of color, continues to inspire her.
Johanna completed the Senior Executives in State and Local Government program at Harvard Kennedy School and completed a 2-year fellowship with the Mel King Community Fellows Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) CoLab.