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Anna Shireen Wadia

Executive Director, Care for All with Respect and Equity Fund

Anna Shireen Wadia is the Executive Director of the Care for All with Respect and Equity (CARE) Fund. The CARE Fund brings diverse funders together to invest in movement building for universal publicly supported care infrastructures that will fuel economies, improve the wellbeing of kids and families, create millions of good jobs, promote equity, and enable people with disabilities and older adults to live independently with safety and dignity. At the Ford Foundation, the Ms. Foundation for Women, and her own consulting practice, Anna has nurtured and propelled movements for care and built bridges among funders and advocates across the care continuum. As Senior Program Officer for the Ford Foundation’s Future of Worker(s) program, her grantmaking focused on improving the quality of jobs for low-wage workers and supporting movements for equitable and universal caregiving policies. At the Ms. Foundation for Women, Anna co-directed the program division and managed a funder collaborative focused on women’s economic development. Anna began her career supporting women’s and other community-based organizations working on income generation and relief efforts in West and Southern Africa. She holds a master’s degree in public affairs from the School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University and a bachelor’s degree from Yale University.