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Principal analyst at Analytic Services, Inc.

Catherine Ortiz serves as a principal analyst at Analytic Services, Inc. (ANSER), supporting the Department of Defense (DoD) Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment (IBAS) program within the Office of Industrial Policy and serves as the outreach lead for the National Imperative for Industrial Skills (NIIS) initiative. Since March 2020, IBAS has invested $130 million across 15 projects that stress-test different approaches to meeting the defense industrial base’s skills training requirements.
Ms. Ortiz is also the founder of Defined Business Solutions, LLC (DBS) a small consulting company working with government programs and industry to ensure the integrity of the microelectronics components used in weapons and national security systems. Since 1995, DBS has led government-industry working groups to develop solutions for critical challenges with supply chain security, trusted and assured microelectronics supply, and cybersecurity for manufacturing networks.