Pamela Reséndiz Trujano
Originally from Mexico City, Mexico, Pamela grew up undocumented and queer in the suburbs outside of Dallas, Texas. Their worker rights education and advocacy began at a young age by the experiences and teachings of their parents and community. Pamela became heavily involved in the movement after being detained and placed in deportation proceedings in March 2010. Upon their release from the Don Hutto Detention Center, Pamela co-founded and led a Texas University hunger strike that launched at the national level for passage of the DREAM Act. They served as board member for United We Dream from 2012-2016, during the historic victory and implementation of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). Pamela is a graduate of the University of Texas at San Antonio, and holds a B.A. in Political Science, minor in Latin American studies, and was accepted to the Institute for Law and Public Affairs Summer Law School Preparation Academy (SLSPA). Post-graduation, Pamela completed an internship with the Mexican American League Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF.
They began working with the labor movement in Albuquerque as member coordinator with Working America and as mobilization coordinator with the Dallas AFL-CIO CLC, where they worked on local and state campaigns ranging from increasing the minimum wage in Bernalillo County to running field work during state and city council elections increasing union membership voter turnout. Pamela has been trained in strategic digital organizing and communications, campaign and membership development and storytelling.