Liz Davis-Frost
Liz Davis-Frost is a mediator, coach, and question-asker. With backgrounds in conflict studies, public administration, and communication, Liz’s approach to her work is inherently interdisciplinary and innovative. Currently, this takes shape in her position as a Mediation and Training Extension Associate in the Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution at Cornell University’s School of Industrial and Labor Relations. Her primary responsibilities are co-teaching the Campus Mediation Practicum courses and developing conflict coaching for constituencies across campus — but her work is intentionally wide-reaching and open-ended as she engages with partners within and outside of Cornell.
Since arriving in 2016, Liz has championed Cornell toward fulfilling its potential as an undergraduate and graduate student, then as a member of the Board of Trustees, and now as staff. In that time, she has leveraged her expertise in a range of roles — including serving on the Public Safety Advisory Committee, coordinating the Undergraduate Student Leadership Council for the Student and Campus Life unit, and supporting the Restorative Practices Professional Learning Group. These experiences have shaped her commitment to restorative justice, constituent investment, and accessible community-building.
Liz is a creative and a collaborator by nature, and she relishes in thinking about new opportunities outside the box. Equipping people with the ability to better navigate challenges, engage with other perspectives, and think critically is a big part of her work. Liz brings levity and joy to her spaces, with a commitment to learning from all parts of her life — like work and play — and seeing them as connected.
Liz holds a Master of Public Administration, concentrating in Social Policy with a focus on higher education; and a Bachelor of Science in Communication, with minors in Inequality Studies and Law & Society.