Learn more about organizing, labor law, arbitration, and bargaining first contracts from a labor attorney with decades of experience. Guest speakers and role play help make these four intensive classes interactive and practical.
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Learn more about organizing, labor law, arbitration, and bargaining first contracts from a labor attorney with decades of experience. Guest speakers and role play help make these four intensive classes interactive and practical.
Unions benefit employees in a myriad of ways, higher pay, better benefits, safer and healthier workplaces, higher civic engagement, etc. Public support is also high for unions with 2021 Gallup poll showing 68% of the public favors a union. Then why is such a small percentage of the US workforce unionized?
Dates for sessions will be posted as soon as they are available.
Congratulations! You won your election vote, and the NLRB has “certified” your group as the collective bargaining representative. Now it is time to bargain a contract.
Dates for sessions will be posted as soon as they are available.
This is a hands-on workshop for those with little or no experience in arbitration. Participants will leave with an understanding of the arbitration process and the skills they need to serve as an effective advocate in arbitration hearings.
Dates for sessions will be posted as soon as they are available.
Learning the key do’s and don’ts of the labor law and how arbitrators interpret collective bargaining agreements is critical to operating in a union environment. Essential for anyone going to the bargaining table or operating day-to-day in a union environment.
New York,NY
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Register for Labor Law and Contract Interpretation
Arbitration Advocacy: Part I - Presenting Your Case
From the perspective of both the union and management, participants will practice how to develop a clear and effective theory of the case, create a proposed issue statement, identify and examine witnesses and present evidence.
New York,NY
Register for Arbitration Advocacy: Part I - Presenting Your Case
Cross examination is one of the most important but often poorly used parts of an advocate’s case. Participants learn and practice the skills required to prepare and execute an effective cross, while identifying commonly made errors. Participants practice cross-examination and receive coaching and feedback from experienced advocates and arbitrators.
New York,NY
Register for Arbitration Advocacy: Part II - Cross-Examination