Equity in Focus Summit: Job Creation for a just society
The US Department of Labor Women’s Bureau and The Worker Institute @ ILR-Cornell are co-hosting a day-long conversation on how prioritizing gender and racial equity promotes a strong and just economy. Long-standing inequality, made worse by the pandemic, accelerates the need to envision job creation through the perspective of an equity lens as states and municipalities across the country invest Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding.
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When & Where
Date & Time
200 Constitution Ave NW
Washington , DC 20210
United States
The US Department of Labor Women’s Bureau and The Worker Institute @ ILR-Cornell are co-hosting a day-long conversation on how prioritizing gender and racial equity promotes a strong and just economy. Long-standing inequality, made worse by the pandemic, accelerates the need to envision job creation through the perspective of an equity lens as states and municipalities across the country invest Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding. This in-person convening, at US DOL in Washington, DC, is a time for local, state, and federal policy makers, practitioners, unions, workers, industry stakeholders, contractors, philanthropy, advocates and others to learn from their peers.
Participants will hear from leaders who are working on gender and racial equity in the trades and non-traditional jobs, and learn from leaders tackling the inequality of our care economy. Listen as industry leaders, researchers and other key stakeholders discuss ways to simultaneously raise wages for the women-dominated workforce, while breaking down barriers for women in higher-paid male-dominated sectors. Gain insights into the federal funding landscape and local investments. Brainstorm with colleagues and leaders from your communities about the design and implementation of policies and practices to advance gender equity in job creation.
For participants who have registered to attend in-person, on-site check-in will open at 7:30 A.M. with the Summit starting promptly at 8:30 A.M. Please bring a photo ID and arrive at 7:30 A.M. to make your way through security (using the Visitor Entrance located at 3rd & C Streets NW) and to pick up your registration badge.
Thursday, September 22
8:30am - 5:00 pm
8:30am: Welcome
- Wendy Chun-Hoon, Director, Women's Bureau, U.S. Department of Labor
- Patricia Campos Medina, Executive Director, The Worker Institute, Cornell ILR School
8:45am: Remarks by Julie A. Su, Deputy Secretary of Labor, U.S. Department of Labor
9:00am: Sarah Jane Glynn
9:10am: Meeting the Moment: Overcoming Occupational Segregation & the Systemic Devaluing of Women's Work
- Anne Marie Brady, Director of Research, The Worker Institute, Cornell ILR School
- Ariane Hegewisch, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Women’s Policy Research
- Risa L. Lieberwitz, Professor of Labor and Employment Law, The Worker Institute, Cornell ILR School
- Latifa Lyles, Special Assistant to the President, White House Gender Policy Council
- Leah Rambo, Director of Training, SMART Local 28
- Anna Wadia, Executive Director, Care for All with Respect and Equity (CARE) Fund
9:55am: Joelle Gamble, U.S. Department of Labor Chief Economist
10:05am: Invigorating the Care Infrastructure & Investing in Care Jobs
- Julie Kashen, Senior Fellow and Director of Women's Economic Justice, The Century Foundation
- Leslie Frane, Executive Vice President, SEIU
- Martine Sadarangani Gordon, Senior Advisor for Early Childhood Development at the Administration for Children of Families
- Sarah Jimenez, Senior Researcher, Community Labor United/Care that Works
- Ingrid Mezquita, Director, San Francisco Department of Early Childhood
- Haeyoung Yoon, Senior Policy Director, National Domestic Workers Alliance
11:00am: Remarks by Marty Walsh, Secretary of Labor, U.S. Department of Labor
11:05am: Investing in the Moment
- Facilitator: Wendy Chun-Hoon, Women's Bureau, U.S. Department of Labor
- Nell Abernathy, Acting Director, Office of Policy and Strategic Planning, U.S. Department of Commerce
- Laura McDaniel, Policy Advisor, Office of Recovery Programs, U.S. Department of Treasury
- Catherine Ortiz, Principal Analyst, Analytic Services, Inc. (ANSER), supporting the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment (IBAS) Program
- Michele Perez, Assistant Deputy Secretary, Office of Field Policy & Management, U.S. Department of Hosing and Urban Development
- Amy Peterson, Senior Advisor, Loan Program Office, U.S. Department of Energy
- Paige Shevlin, Strategic Advisor, Infrastructure Workforce Development, U.S. Department of Transportation
11:50AM: Lunch
12:45PM: Remarks by Liz Shuler, President, AFL-CIO
12:50PM: Increasing Women in Male-Dominated, Higher-Paid Careers
- Mia Dell, Deputy Director of Advocacy, AFL-CIO
- Karen Dove, Executive Director, ANEW
- Maggie Drouineaud, Compliance Director, UMass Building Authority
- Erica Iheme, Deputy Director, Jobs to Move America
- Mayor Kim Norton, Rochester, Minnesota
1:55PM: Douglas Emhoff, The Second Gentleman of the United States
2:30PM: Workshop 1
3:45PM: Workshop 2
4:45PM: Summit Conclusion
Workshops Sessions 1 & 2
How to Use Your Power to Advance Gender and Racial Equity
C-5320 Room 6
Everyone has a role to play in improving gender and racial equity. Learn from philanthropic, state and city leaders on how prioritizing racial and gender equity improves outcomes for all.
- Marjorie Sims, The Aspen Institute
- Sekile Nzinga, Office of the Governor, Illinois
- Chao Mwatela, City of Rochester, MN
- Facilitator: Arianna Schindle, Cornell University
Leveraging Federal Resources for Equity and Job Creation
C-5515 Room 1A/1B
Delve deeper into the morning panel with experts from federal agencies.
- Karen Bobo, U.S. Department of Transportation
- Amy Peterson, U.S. Department of Energy
- Lucy Moore, U.S. Department of Commerce
- Molly Bashay, U.S. Department of Labor
- Facilitator: Rukku Singla, U.S. Department of Labor
Federal Investments that Improve the Care Economy
C-5515 Room 2
During this session, participants learn about ways federal funding can improve wages and job quality for people working in the care economy.
- Kimberley Burgess Simms, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- Laura McDaniel, U.S. Department of Treasury
- Indivar Dutta-Gupta, Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP)
- Facilitator: Sarah Jane Glynn, U.S. Department of Labor
Example from the Field: Enhancing Equity in Construction through Employer, Union, and Community Partnerships
C-5515 Room 3
Reaching gender and racial equity in construction requires investments and partnership between employers, project owners, tradeswomen, unions and others. Learn about importance of advisory committees.
- Liz Skidmore, PGTI/Carpenters
- Maggie Drouineaud, UMass Building Authority
- Brian Doherty, Greater Boston Building Trades
- Maya Raghu, U.S. Department of Labor
- Michele Hodge, U.S. Department of Labor
- Facilitator: Kathleen Mulligan, Cornell
Investing in Supportive Services and Addressing Barriers to Entry and Retention in the Trades
C-5521 Room 4
Pre-apprenticeship programs know the importance of supporting women as they enter and stay in the trades. Discuss ways federal and state investments are used to improve recruitment and retention of women in the trades.
- Kelly Kupcak, Oregon Tradeswomen, Inc.
- Larry Williams, Oregon Department of Transportation, Bureau of Labor Industries Workforce Development
- Facilitator: Tamara Robinson, Cornell University
Addressing Gender-Based Violence and Harassment in the Workplace
N-5437 A & B
Discuss innovative ideas to create culture change with leaders in construction, trucking, care providers, and workplace equality to prevent and respond to gender-based violence and harassment in the workplace.
- Karen Dove, ANEW
- Anne Balay, SEIU/Women of Trucking Advisory Board (WOTAB)
- Gaylynn Burroughs, National Women’s Law Center
- Facilitator: KC Wagner, Cornell University
Equitable Community Development and Accountability
N-5437 C & D
As states and municipalities invest federal dollars, organizations across the country are helping ensure that gender and racial equity stay at the center of these investments.
- Erin Johansson, Jobs With Justice
- Pamela Reséndiz, Jobs With Justice
- Kelsey Berkowitz, Results for America
- Beth Berendsen/Lark Jackson, Chicago Women in Trades
- Ruth Martin, MomsRising
- Sharita Gruberg, National Partnership for Women & Families
- Facilitator: Safanya Searcy, SEIU
Examples of Expanding Access and Job Quality in the Care Economy
N-3437 A, B & C
Increasing access to child care, while improving job quality, can be difficult without major public investments. In this session, delve into models connecting raising wages for the childcare workers with increasing access to the trades for women, and learn about state paid leave policies that improve job quality for all.
- Nancy Luc, Care that Works
- Kate Krug, NEW
- Molly Weston Williamson, Center for American Progress
- Darnice Marsh, U.S. Department of Labor
- Andrew Hasty, U.S. Department of Labor
- Facilitator: Cathy Creighton, Cornell
Previous events

Feb 24, 2022
Job Creation for a Just Society
We explore how equity in job creation is defined – with a focus on job growth through the current expansion of infrastructure investment.

April 26, 2022
Investing in Childcare Careers
We explore the challenges of the childcare industry and highlight local examples that are improving access to child care while also raising wages for child care workers.

June 29, 2022
Building a Diverse and Inclusive Clean Energy Workforce
How the U.S. can tackle the climate crisis and create high-quality union jobs for women and frontline communities of color that suffer the most from climate change, pollution and historic inequities.